Layanan Pendidikan Berkualitas

Kami menyediakan pendidikan berkualitas untuk generasi masa depan melalui Madrasah Aliyah.

A classroom of engaged students, primarily young women, are sitting in rows wearing white uniforms with braided hair. They appear to be focused and attentive, suggesting a classroom setting. The sunlight filters through the windows, creating a warm ambiance.
A classroom of engaged students, primarily young women, are sitting in rows wearing white uniforms with braided hair. They appear to be focused and attentive, suggesting a classroom setting. The sunlight filters through the windows, creating a warm ambiance.
Program Pembelajaran Terintegrasi

Menyediakan kurikulum yang menyeluruh dan terintegrasi untuk siswa.

Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler

Menawarkan berbagai kegiatan untuk pengembangan bakat dan minat siswa di luar kelas.

Bimbingan Spiritual

Memberikan bimbingan dan dukungan spiritual untuk membentuk karakter siswa yang baik.

Proyek Pendidikan

Meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama.

A person wearing a graduation gown and cap is standing in front of a building with the sign 'Gedung Megawati Soekarnoputri'. The image is taken from behind the person, showing the back of their graduation attire. The building appears to be institutional, with grey walls and a somber appearance.
A person wearing a graduation gown and cap is standing in front of a building with the sign 'Gedung Megawati Soekarnoputri'. The image is taken from behind the person, showing the back of their graduation attire. The building appears to be institutional, with grey walls and a somber appearance.
Kegiatan Belajar

Program pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan efektif.

A university building is visible behind a large sign that reads 'Fakultas Peternakan (Faculty of Animal Science) Universitas Brawijaya.' The building is several stories tall, with numerous windows. There are two tall palm trees and other greenery, including bushes and plants, in the foreground. The sky is clear and bright blue with some scattered clouds.
A university building is visible behind a large sign that reads 'Fakultas Peternakan (Faculty of Animal Science) Universitas Brawijaya.' The building is several stories tall, with numerous windows. There are two tall palm trees and other greenery, including bushes and plants, in the foreground. The sky is clear and bright blue with some scattered clouds.
Two schoolchildren in uniforms and hijabs walk down a narrow street, smiling and engaged in conversation, while another child stands against a wall holding a drink. The passage is flanked by walls and the scene appears to be in a bustling area with more people visible in the background.
Two schoolchildren in uniforms and hijabs walk down a narrow street, smiling and engaged in conversation, while another child stands against a wall holding a drink. The passage is flanked by walls and the scene appears to be in a bustling area with more people visible in the background.
Three books are displayed against a light green background, with two partly facing up and exhibiting colorful covers. The book titled 'Aku Muslim tapi Belum Shalat' has a light blue cover featuring an illustration of a mosque and green hills, accompanied by Islamic-themed text. Another book is titled 'Tata Cara Shalat Menurut Sunnah Nabi' with a white cover and gold and brown text. The third book is shown from the back, featuring a photograph of a man and text describing the content.
Three books are displayed against a light green background, with two partly facing up and exhibiting colorful covers. The book titled 'Aku Muslim tapi Belum Shalat' has a light blue cover featuring an illustration of a mosque and green hills, accompanied by Islamic-themed text. Another book is titled 'Tata Cara Shalat Menurut Sunnah Nabi' with a white cover and gold and brown text. The third book is shown from the back, featuring a photograph of a man and text describing the content.
Pengembangan Kurikulum

Menyusun kurikulum yang relevan dan sesuai kebutuhan siswa.